Dorsa Bazeghi, JD, MDR, is a mediator, facilitator, coach, organizational consultant, and owner of Best Resolutions, LLC.

Dorsa’s practice focuses on providing customized mediation, facilitation, and negotiation to her clients. She helps people and organizations navigate conflict better and empowers them to move forward in productive ways to achieve their goals.

She has mediated a variety of cases in the Los Angeles Superior Courts, ranging from landlord-tenant disputes to family conflicts to business disputes. She understands complicated conflict dynamics and helps resolve disputes by utilizing customized interventions and coaching techniques to create a resolution that works for all parties.

In addition to obtaining her Juris Doctorate degree from Seattle University, Dorsa attended graduate school at the internationally recognized Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University, where she earned her Master’s degree in Dispute Resolution. 

Dorsa’s passion is advocacy and peace-building. Choosing dispute resolution as her medium, she wants to be a force of positive change on earth. Dorsa believes that conflict, if approached and navigated correctly, can produce positive effects like strengthening relationships, creating collaborative dynamics, and developing productive communication. 

"For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate."

Margaret Heffernan

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a retainer required for mediation or other services?

No, we do not require a retainer for our mediation or other services. In cases of an ongoing mediation, we could offer a "pay-as-you-go" basis, much like a therapy session. For full-day mediation sessions we do request that payment be made at least 14 days in advance, given that it precludes us from scheduling other engagements.

How does the process start?

Send an email explaining a few details pertaining to your conflict. You can also begin by booking a 30 minute initial client counseling. After assessing what your needs are, Best Resolutions will give you guidance on what approach will be most effective to meet your goals and deliver sustainable results. We work with clients by applying conflict navigation skills through the process to both stay within your budget and deliver timely results. 

Why choose mediation over hiring an attorney and litigating in court?

In mediation, the clients have control over both the process and the outcome. Litigating a case leads to a win/lose situation where the outcome is typically unpredictable and out of the parties’ control. Mediation eliminates “losing” in a dispute and allows the clients to have control throughout the process. Clients will set goals and design the outcome of their case.

What is your pricing for services?

Pricing varies case by case. Our office works with clients to determine their budget for services so they can create a solution that is effective and affordable for them. Please contact us for specific pricing for your mediation needs.

What geographic location does your practice cover?

We are physically located in San Diego, California. However, we offer remote services and have both a national and international reach.

What is the difference between mediation and counseling?

Mediation focuses on pragmatic problem-solving aimed at reaching a future-oriented resolution, whereas counseling tends to explore the historical roots and origins of issues only. Unlike counseling, the process of mediation concludes only when the parties have come to a mutually agreed upon understanding on a plan to move forward.

Start the process towards conflict resolution.